Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blogger Lakhanat! : Mencabar Kesabaran Umat Islam

Blogger Lakhanat

Saya terkejut membaca sebuah blog warga Malaysia yang bertajuk The Hajj: The Most Shameful Journey in History?. Saya dapati tanda "?" diletakkan kemudian setelah laporan polis dibuat terhadap blogger lakhanat ni. Tanda "?" diletakkan kononnya ia sebuah pertanyaan namun isi kandungannya menceritakan sebaliknya. Ramai juga diantara bukan Islam, menyatakan tidak setuju dengan kandungan blog ini yang dianggap putar belit serta menokok tambah yang bertujuan menimbulkan kemarahan umat Islam.

Antara isi kandungan yang telah dibuangkan dari blog si lakhanat ini:

The 5th Pillar of Islam wastes more money and effort and time and lives than any other single journey in human history. Muslims from all around the world - many of them excessively poor - devote a significant proportion of their income to complying with the demand of the Qur'an that they should visit the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia at least once in their miserable lives.

I find this a disgusting and lamentable superstition. Not only this, but some of the poorest families in the some of the poorest Muslim countries in the world save all their lives to send their children to wander around a tomb to a long dead deluded bloke called Mohammad - a self-appointed prophet who raised himself above the status of all other humans and still from the ashes reaches out and financially ruins people's lives to this very day by having insisted that all his deluded followers should pop in to his birth town.

You couldn't write more insane fiction than this if you tried. If you saw this on the pages of George Orwell, you would think it would never happen. But it does. And I am sickened by it.Allah does not exist. Mohammad was just a normal man - now dead for over 1300 years. There is no spiritual realm. Every single Muslim who makes this journey is diverting money and energy away from making this world a better place - building better nations, developing education, science, technology, politics, medicine and so forth.

Each Muslim who makes this lamentable journey is guilty of squandering money in as wasteful a way as those people that they criticise for spending on alcohol that they piss down the drain. In some ways, even worse.At least some boozed-up bloke who struggles off to work the next morning with a hangover knows that he has overdone it.

Muslims NEVER think they have overdone it and will simply pass on this world-wide destruction of potential to their poor children.The greatest aim of all Muslims is to take part in the Hajj? No wonder Islam makes its victims less successful in the real world of the 21st Century: their aspirations are so pathetically low.

Petikan ini saya ambil dari blog harimau-menaip

Memang kita semua ada hak dan kebebasan bersuara. Tapi mestilah mempunyai had atau batas-batas yang tertentu. Janganlah sampai menyentuh sentimen agama dan bangsa yang terlampau macam ini. Si lakhanat ini telah menjadi contoh kepada ketegangan antara agama. Pada 7 Disember 2008 blogger Mahaguru58 telah membuat laporan polis mengenai blogger lakhanat ini. Blogger Bila Harimau Sudah Menaip juga ada artikel terperinci mengenai isu ini.

Jangan biarkan Agama & Bangsa dipijak! Sebarkan info ini!


Harimau-Menaip said...

Semoga Allah menurunkan bala terhadap penulis blog tersebut. Ameeeeen.

Salam Perkenalan bro.!

Noor Hasilah Ismail said...

dalam masyarakat berbilang kaum dan agama, setiap penganut tidak layak dan tidak berhak membicarakan agama orang lain. tetapi dalam hal ini, blogger ini sudah melampaui batas. beliau sudah menghina agama islam dan penganut islam. daripada penulisannya saya andaikan dia seorang atheist. tetapi itu tetap tidak memberikannya hak menghina agama orang lain. saya menyeru blogger2 islam yang lain bersama-sama membuat report laporan polis atas tuduhan menghina agama. saya akan membawa perkara ini kepada menteri yang berkenaan di parlimen esok